Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Who'd Have Thought...

...Atlanta would see these temps? Yes, that is in Fahrenheit.

This may be trifling to some, and I claim no great surprise either, but this is a big deal here. Schools were closed today due to these temperatures. No rain, no snow, no sleet, nice sun, but cold. Kids here aren't generally equipped, clothing wise, for this. The administrators were also worried that the buses wouldn't start. Valid if you think of diesel engines. As well as a concern of heaters not being able to adequately heat classrooms. Ok. I'll give it to them.

I haven't seen any motorbikes on the road today. The big concern would be from breaking sprinkler pipes laying great sheets of ice across the road. Don't laugh. It is happening. :)



  1. Lori:

    I was surprised too. I thought it was always warmer where you were. Glad to see you back. Make sure to turn off your "outside" taps

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Yeah, I thought we were generally warmer too. Or at least that Vancouver was generally colder. :)

      Outside taps appropriately insulated. Just the pipes in the outside walls to be concerned with.

  2. It seems the cold is happening everywhere, except here, at least its raining here.

    1. Hmm...freezing temps and ice, or rain. Toss up. They both aren't enjoyable to ride in. :) Have you seen any snow? As Scooter For Fun encountered, the rain melted all the snow!

    2. We have had two dustings of snow this winter, and also excperienced -20 for a few days which is completely out of the norm for the island. Now are are downright balmy and its raining here.

  3. First I thought that's can't be too cold… then I did the conversion. We have the same in Celsius over here (which would make it 44F). Stay warm!

    1. Excellent! Then you are actually warmer than I expected! :)

  4. Wow!

    Meanwhile, I had to wear a sweater today, and it's only up to 58°F so far. ;)

    We almost had some rain last night, but it looks like it went away, leaving us with sunshine again.

    1. You poor thing, having to bundle up like that. Imagine an entire sweater! Not even a sweater vest. ;)

      Well, I will hope that the cold and rain will swing your way to help the garden.

  5. And here we have outdoor recess until -25°F and all of our city and school busses are diesel, #1 doesn't start to gel until about -55°F but that may not be what they have in the tanks...

    I would've never thought that you would see those temperatures down there.

    1. Yes, the jokes have been made around the office about the seeming fragility of people here. However...since they aren't used to it, they certainly don't have the clothing for it. I guess I can believe that one. ;)

      As for that, they only sell diesel #2 here. Might sell #1 in the mountains, but I haven't seen it lately.

  6. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cold.
    How bout we get a ride in for you down under.

    1. Yeah...I've been enjoying your hot Australian adventures. I can't barely remember what it feels like trying to pull gear on in the hot and sweaty temps. Keep your stories coming and I'll try to remember. :)

  7. Well hello stranger. I've been wondering how you were doing. I have a widget on my iMac that has the Atlanta weather on it and saw the temps go down.

    Luckily it wil pass. When our temps dropped to 0˚F schools were closed for a week. Let's hope you don't get frozen pipes or anything.

    1. Howdy!! :)

      Closed for a week?? Oh to be a kid again. Wish work closed for the week too. No frozen pipes here...so far. Mostly they run through the basement.

  8. Oh, believe me, I'm not laughing. On the drive home tonight I past crews working on two major water main breaks and saw others that will need tending. I can't imagine anyone winterizing outside faucet or sprinkling systems where you are. It would be ugly indeed.

    May it pass as quickly as it came.

    1. Yep, I'm sure you have seen worse, both man made problems and mother nature. You seem to take it in stride and still venture forth though. :) You might have something there on people forgetting to prepare...except for the milk and bread thing.

      Though I did see a squirt bike out today while it was 43F. I applauded him.

      As for your well wishes, I think someone was listening as most of the US will be swinging into above average temps for the coming week, right? Enjoy your higher temps while they last.

  9. "Duluth"? No wonder it's cold, you moved to MN!

  10. Brrr! Much warmer here, but my circle has been white and icy for a couple of weeks straight. I enjoyed winter a lot more before global warming! :)
